• Comprehensive reviews of residents’ medications and relevant clinical data monthly and upon request for change in condition. Issues addressed in monthly medication regimen reviews include: appropriate diagnosis or rationale for use, appropriate monitoring, recommendation of safer alternatives to replace medications with unfavorable side effect profiles, goals of therapy are being achieved, medication regimen is free from significant drug-drug or drug-food interactions.
  • Regulatory review to assure medication regimen is compliant with CMS standards
  • Efficiency review to assure unnecessary medications are eliminated and medications are adjusted to consolidate medication-pass and reduce nursing workload
  • Drug Regimen Review upon admission and readmission is completed by a staff pharmacist. Significant irregularities regarding allergies; adverse drug events/effects; indication for use; drug interactions; redundancies; dosing, duration; administration schedule and/or other potential contraindications to medications ordered are indicated on the DRR report form for resolution at the time of admission
  • Psychotropic medication management to include compliance with CMS standards; participation in psychotropic reduction interdisciplinary team; utilization statistics and gradual dose reduction tracking
  • Policy/procedure to ensure safe usage and proper monitoring of high-risk medications
  • Infection Control / Antibiotic Stewardship Committee Participation
  • Administrative regulatory requirements including: QAPI participation; clinical and regulatory information resource for administration, nursing, medical staff, and residents; medication room/medication cart inspections; medication pass observation; in-service education